Good day everyone, you already know who I am. I am one of the Online Administrators at Quick Tv Africa and also Network Operations Manager at Hall De Heroes International all of these were Victor Vote bid to bring me into his online business.

But some thing happened, I discussed with a friend when I traveled to Pennsylvania about Quick Tv Africa and he corrupted my mind telling me it was foolishness for Victor Vote to hand over all online access to all of his Online Business not excluding Hall Deheroes, Quicktvafrica Hdhi and the famous Alliance Mandate For Creative Africans. He made me believe that if I can get the hosting details of the website, I will be able to secretly transfer the domain and use it for myself; to me I never knew he had already incorporated Quick Tv Africa, cause the last time we spoke he told me it was just a registered business name.

So I logged into Quick Tv Africa Website, published the article "MIS-INFORMATION ABOUT THE ORIGINAL OWNER OF QUICK TV AFRICA" but before I published it, I had to lock Victor Vote out of the system, I changed the password and deleted his access. I was able to change the CPanel Password since I already have those details and so decided to spread the news to few of my friends in Nigeria.

About 8 different bloggers who already knew Victor Vote carried the news, I was happy I succeeded in claiming the site ownership but I was foolish. The following day as I was watching people's comments, no one actually spoke bad about the news except few of Quick Tv Africa members in Canada and outside Nigeria who actually called him lots of names. I felt bad, after all we passed through so I decided to log in to correct the news but I find out that I could not gain access.

Victor Vote succeeded in locking me out,.

He called me several times but I refused picking his call cause I know he already knew I was the brain behind the hack.

I am writing to apologies to Victor Vote, members of Quick Tv Africa and the general public that I am sorry for everything and that Victor Vote is the true owner of Quick Tv Africa.

I awaits my fate and I am willing to pay for it. I have received numerous email from our international partners and I want to appeal to them in the likes of AfroLandTv, What's In It For Africa, Restore Sight Africa Initiative, Young Professional Association of Louisville and all others I sent the mail to ignore it and see every reason to forgive me.

I am sorry. I also want to tender my resignation and to state publicly that I will gladly walk if Quick Tv Africa decides to say I should leave the company.

Thank you.
