The other day one of my numerous subscribers called and setup a meeting with me in my office. When she arrived, she enumerated everything that has made her life unbearable, from marriage to her business and her office but she emphasised on her marriage.
During our session she literally condemned her husband blaming him for all of her predicaments. She went further to portray him not been responsible enough as to get married. Understanding women to some point I asked her "Samantha, are you pregnant?" And she replied "Yes" then I knew were the problem was coming from.
Most times situations (good ones) or some certain changes can turn us into irrevocably horrible people making those around us feel insecure, inadequate, scared and unwelcoming even as you still occupy the legal throne to make that change that can turn things around.
People are so drown in their pride that even when they have the slightest opportunity to make a change they lingers. What is stopping you from making that single decision? Why do you prefer to argue with everyone and for everything? Why would you prefer to run alone even when there are over a hundred people to help you with the race?
People are so selfish that they'd prefer to wallow in backwardness than embrace innovation and change. You do not have any excuse to why you did not succeed in that business or in that cause.
What is stopping you from succeeding?
Till we meet again. I am Victor Vote.